Jolanta Skiba

Pregnancy and Fertility Acupuncture
Acupuncture, Chinese Dietetics and Nutrition Therapy

jolanta skiba acupuncture


Acupuncture is known as an effective treatment in many health conditions. Some of them are successfully treated in a short period of time; chronic conditions need more attention. Acupuncture is painless, safe and has no side effects. It is suitable for most people. Most Dutch health insurances reimburse the costs of acupuncture. I am a member of Professional Acupuncture Association Zhong. You can claim treatment money back from the insurance. You can visit Zhong to find out if your insurance company covers the cost of acupuncture.
Find out more: Acupuncture

jolanta skiba Nutrition, Leiden


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) food is treated as medicine. The color, structure and even the way of growing the food matters. However, the most important factor in nutrition therapy is to look at the individual needs and health problems and choose matching food. The benefits of understanding our nutritional needs are life long lasting. Sometimes it is enough to have only few nutritional sessions and follow given advice to achieve required effect.
I invite you to view the page Nutrition and learn more about it.

Our services

Fertility treatment (for men and women): Acupuncture can be very useful in supporting body's natural ability to conceive and regulate hormonal system. It relaxes and improves the circulation, enhances egg and sperm quality.

Acupuncture in IVF and IUI cycle: Acupuncture used as a support in IVF and IUI treatment can double pregnancy rate. It is performed before, during and post transfer treatment. Men and women can benefit from it.

Pre-birth acupuncture treatment: This is a treatment that is offered from 36 weeks of pregnancy until the time of delivery. It enhances prospects of efficient (shorter and less painful) labour. It causes the cervix to soften and open to allow the baby to move into the vagina. It can also actively reduce the level of medical intervention such as: induction, cesarean sections or forceps deliveries.

Post natal treatment: Often a challenging period! Exhaustion of the body and mind makes it difficult to adjust and recover. Acupuncture can be of great support to energize, ease depression and insomnia. It also helps with variety of complains that make life of a new mom difficult (lack or low breast milk supply, mastitis).

Gift Voucher: For every treatment there is a gift voucher available for single or more treatments.
It is a great present of appreciation for a loved one, colleague or a parent. More info

What is Acupuncture (during pregnancy) Download more info in English

Hoe helpt acupunctuur je tijdens de zwangerschap Download more info in Dutch

Jolanta Skiba

I am licensed acupuncturist; I graduated at the Shenzhou Open University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Amsterdam in 2017 in the field of Acupuncture. I benefited from teachings of many accomplished doctors and professors and was fortunate to be able to study different diagnostic methods and treatments from them. After three years of intense study of acupuncture, I decided to deepen my knowledge in the field of Western Medicine to gain more understanding about various health conditions this time from the perspective of Western Medicine. I followed a one year of very intense study of Foundation of Western Medicine also at Shenzhou Open University obtaining my diploma in June 2018. Combaining the knowledge of TCM and Western Medicine allows me to perform my tasks as a therapist even better and with more understanding towards my patient’s conditions.
I constantly deepen my knowledge and take part in seminars regarding TCM as Western Medicine.

Jolanta Skiba Therapist